Spaghetti Squash

On my quest to try to eat better I have decided to give spaghetti squash a try. 

Before I go any further I need to confess something. I love pasta. I don’t just like it or think it’s OK, I truly LOVE pasta! 

So for me to think that maybe I should change it up a little bit is kind of a big thing! And that’s just exactly what I did. I decided to give it a try. 

First thing first. How do you make it? Do you know that there is a ton of different ways to prepare this squash? Trust me on this one. So below is the recipe that I used to get the squash ready and then what I put on top of it. 

Preheat oven to 350 degree, drizzle some olive oil on a pan, and cut the squash in half and scoop out the seeds. As you can tell I used my computer to help with this one! DSCN8867

Place the squash in the pan upside down and bake for 30 minutes or until the knife goes into it and it’s softDSCN8868

While that was cooking, I melted a little coconut oil and shelled some raw shrimp and cooked them until they were done. I removed them from the pan and added a bunch of different vegetables and cherry tomatoes and cooked all of this until it was hot inside.DSCN8871Then I added the shrimp back to the pan and BAM! That was the topping. 

Now for the squash – I scrapped out the inside of them, added some salt and pepper to the squash and then topped it off with my vegetable/shrimp mixture. The final touch was to drizzle some olive oil on top of it all. It was really good! Kind of a lot of work – but still pretty good.  DSCN8873

And for the seeds? I cleaned the gunk off of them. Which by the way is pretty gross if you ask me,DSCN8869and drizzled some olive oil on top with salt and pepper. I tossed them into a 250 degree oven for about 20 minutes. Not bad. Not caramel popcorn by any means- but not bad. DSCN8874

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